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Basic Shopping Website


Start selling online in a flash.

Includes: Landing page + About Us + Contact Form + Shop page (with assistance to load your 10 top products)

A domain name, such as ‘’ or ‘,’ is a one-of-a-kind, easy-to-remember address used to visit websites.  To use this service, you will need to pick a domain name or use your current one if you have already registered it.  In case of using your existing one, please make sure that you are the owner and you will be receiving the transfer acceptance email once the process is initiated.  We will not be able to transfer the domain without it.

Pick a name and add it to the cart before proceeding:


SKU: N/A Category:


  • Landing page using latest best practices including social media icons and other important links
  • About us section with some more detail about your company
  • Contact us section with a contact form and all your contact information
  • Shop section with assistance to load up to 10 of your products, and support while you load the rest
  • WordPress support & administration package
  • Hosting for your website & emails



Our monthly payment plan provides you with an easy way to get your website now and pay it off monthly. This price includes both the design of the website and the monthly hosting fees. This price is applicable for 1 year after which the price will reduce to our standard monthly website hosting fees. You can cancel the website at any time and just pay the remainder of your website design charges.


Make a once-off payment for your new website and we will give you a 25% discount on the monthly website hosting fees for the duration of using our services. Normal monthly hosting fee is R200, you pay only R150 per month.  You can cancel the website hosting at any time and move to another hosting company.


On average a new website project takes around 3 weeks to complete from start to finish but it’s dependent on various factors like the readiness of your logo and company information.  Not having this information ready could lead to delays.  To see what information we require, please visit our New Website Questionnaire.



  • Technical support
  • Platform upgrade monitoring
  • Security Monitoring
  • Backups



  • WordPress
  • 30 GB SSD Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • Litespeed Caching
  • Free SSL Certificate



  • The domain name will be owned by AMTY Web until all hosting and website design fees are paid in full, at which point this can be transferred to another web host of your choosing.
  • The monthly plan includes your hosting fees AND design fees.  Termination of this plan requires you to settle the remaining design fees.  There are no other penalties and you are welcome to transfer your fully paid website to another hosting company without penalties.
  • The once-off plan includes your design fees and hosting for 1 month after completion of your website.  You will receive a separate bill each month for your hosting fees. You can cancel the hosting at any time and transfer your fully paid website to another hosting company without penalties.
  • No website (including files linked to or stored on) that could be considered illegal under South African or international laws will be hosted by AMTY Web.
  • No pornographic, gambling or file sharing websites will be hosted by AMTY Web.